رشيد الخوجة اول محافظ ل ” بغداد “

رشيد الخوجة اول محافظ ل ” بغداد “

كأول محافظ لبغداد في 20-11 – 1920 , بعد شهر من تشكيل اول حكومة عراقية برئاسة عبد الرحمن الكيلاني في 20-10 – 1920 ورشيد الخوجة من مواليد بغداد سنة 1884 اكمل الدراسة العليا في اسطنبول حيث درس في المدرسة الحربية ومدرسة أركان الحرب وتخرج سنة 1906 برتبة نقيب وجاء الى بغداد سنة 1920 حيث تم…

Bab Baghdad: Unveiling Hidden Stories, One Step at a Time

Bab Baghdad: Unveiling Hidden Stories, One Step at a Time

Bab Baghdad: Unveiling Hidden Stories, One Step at a Time The Bab Baghdad project continues to make remarkable progress toward achieving its outlined objectives.A collaborative effort in the shape of a research approach and that is supported by the University of London, Al- Nahrein Network, and implemented by Peta center for Cultural Services in partnership…

The Baghdadi in the Ottoman Documents

The Baghdadi in the Ottoman Documents

The Baghdadi in the Ottoman Documents By Dr. Maitham Al-Harbi Translated by Amal Ibrahim The Ottoman rule over Iraq, as is well known, spanned four centuries, from 1517 till 1917, during which the country became a vast archive, telling the story of politics, society, culture, religion, and the military. The Baghdadi Cultural Center holds a…

The Baghdadi in the Ottoman Documents

The Baghdadi in the Ottoman Documents

The Baghdadi in the Ottoman Documents By Dr. Maitham Al-Harbi Translated by Amal Ibrahim The Ottoman rule over Iraq, as is well known, spanned four centuries, from 1517 till 1917, during which the country became a vast archive, telling the story of politics, society, culture, religion, and the military. The Baghdadi Cultural Center holds a…

Title: Book Thefts and Plagiarism in Islamic Eras

Title: Book Thefts and Plagiarism in Islamic Eras

Title: Book Thefts and Plagiarism in Islamic Eras Title: Book Thefts and Plagiarism in Islamic Eras June 29, 2024 writer :Talib essa Translated by Amal Ibrahim Intellectual or literary theft is when a person claims, explicitly or implicitly, to have written what was actually written by another, or copies from others’ writings, fully or partially,…

منهاج المركز الثقافي البغدادي

منهاج المركز الثقافي البغدادي

منهاج المركز الثقافي البغدادي الجمعة الموافق 11 تشرين الاول 2024 تقام الفعاليات الثقافية بتنظيم وتنسيق المركز الثقافي البغدادي – محافظة بغداد في شارع المتنبي تحت معنونة: عراق الحضارات قيل في العراق: سلامٌ وما ظلَ روضٌ يفوحُ .. وما ساقطتْ ورقَ الدوح ِ ريحُ .. سيبقى ويبقى يدوي طموحُ .. لنجم ٍ يضيءُ وفجر ٍ يلوحُ…